Notre application Fastback Gestion VO est une solution destinée aux concessionnaires et aux marchands automobiles. Elle vous permet de gérer efficacement et rapidement votre stock de VO (voitures, VUL, camions, motos) destiné à la vente aux particuliers (et aux marchands via notre Marketplace). Elle comprend la centralisation et la gestion logistique et administrative de votre parc VO.
With Fastback Gestion VO, you can publish your stock in just a few clicks on all the advertising sites such as Autoscout, Gocar, 2ème main, or Facebook, Ubliflow, etc.
Among the tools offered by our application, you will find :
- equipment and option data sheets;
- automatic Car-Pass control;
- the recommended retail price, which takes account of the vehicle’s attractiveness on the market;
- a complete analysis of your stock (rotation and average age);
- customised document printing (order forms, offers, A4 windscreen posters, …..);
- a multilingual interface that can be used for one or more dealerships.